Have you heard of Marginal Gains?
If not, you’re not alone, but this is a “heads up” – it’s on its way. It’s a method developed in the field of sport that is fast finding it’s way into the world of business. And, not a minute too soon.
As a business leader, you are familiar with the concept of marginal cost, exponential growth and compound interest. Marginal Gains are not that different. It’s a method for reaching and sustaining high performance levels through constantly and consistently making small, incremental improvements. Does that make sense to you?
Marginal Gains – the Origin

By 2003, the British Cycle team had, over the previous 100 years, achieved just one Olympic Gold Medal, and had not achieved a single Tour de France win. It was time for change. Enter Dave Brailsford who believed that, if you broke down everything that goes into cycle racing — and improved it by just 1% — you were looking at a step-change increase when you added those improvements together.
Did it work? Long story short – between the years 2004 to 2017, British Cycling achieved:
- 17 Olympic Records
- 7 World Records, and
- 6 Tour de France wins.
How can that be? How can a team go from abysmal performance over a 100-year period, to extraordinary record-breaking performance in just 13 years?
The answer is – through using the principle of Marginal Gains!
We are specialists at analysing and using your data to find ways that you can use Marginal Gains to create your high-performance organisation.
Please complete the form below and we will be in touch directly.