The Digital Maturity Index (DMI) is an assessment used to understand the Digital Effectiveness of an organisation and how well Digital contributes to the organisations performance. It outlines the critical Organisation, Team, and Individual Digital Capabilities and their Maturity levels and provides a roadmap for successful Digital Change and Transformation
Using the Digital Maturity Index you will be able to improve organisation performance by:
- Understanding the current readiness of the organisation for the Digital Transformation process
- Planning for the development of core capabilities that need to be developed, across the organisation, so that the Digital Transformation goals and outcomes can be achieved
- Enabling the development of a Digital Strategy (value planning) that includes: Digital Workplace (value creation), Digital Offering (value proposition), Customer Intimacy (value experience), Operating Model (value structure), and Technology (value enabler) that meets the needs of the organisation
- Enabling the emergence of a new Digital Workplace through discussion and collaboration
- Identifying the Digital Development Roadmap needed to deliver outcomes, practice and culture change to achieve digital objectives and key results
- Identifying the timing and selection of the most appropriate technologies to support the organisation moving through the maturity so that continuous delivery of technology-enabled change can be experienced throughout the organisation
DMI is a Reference Model and related Body of Knowledge based on Dynamic Systems Maturity Theory (DSMT – see below), that represents the Key Capabilities and their respective Maturity Levels for any Organisation’s Digital Business Management and Performance.
The structure of the DMI is:
Each of these elements is assessed to establish the level of capability that exists for that element within the dynamic and the organisation.
If you would like to know more about the Digital Maturity Index and how to use it to improve effectiveness and performance in your Digital Transformation initiative and organisation, fill out the form below and we will be in touch directly, or call us on +27 83 654 6480.
Dynamic Systems Maturity Theory (DSMT)
Dynamic Systems Maturity Theory (DSMT) is a scientific means for understanding and improving Organisation Systems. How they function? Why they perform at a specific level? The nature of the culture and the learning and development process.