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3 Phases of Agile Maturity: Where Do You Fall? – AITS Agile

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This is another great article that is happening right now. All about Agile development. As the pressure of “digitalization” is being felt by more and more organizations and in more and more environments, and as the voice of “innovation” screams loudly in all of our ears, so Agile becomes a “platform” for us to fall on and hope that we are safe there. But, as this article describes, we need to understand where we are now in terms of Agile and where we want to go, so that we can map a path to “spiritual” Agile (to borrow from the article) and Agile success.
I’m including the article again for 2 reasons:

  1. To help the IT HR Business Partners and HR consultants responsible for IT understand the world of Agile and how to recognise the skills and culture needed for Agile to be successful in your organization
  2. For IT HR Business Partners and HR consultants responsible for IT to start adapting their own processes to be able to respond more quickly to ITs needs and in that way also become more Agile.

Valerie Silverthorne has interviewed Jeffrey Hammond, a VP at Forrester Research, for TechTarget. In this interview, they discuss the current state of agile in organizations and the upcoming Agile 2017 conference. Among other things, Hammond believes efforts to scale agile are being stymied by the wrong attitudes. He identifies three phrases of agile maturity, and …

Source: 3 Phases of Agile Maturity: Where Do You Fall? – AITS Agile