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Big Changes at TalentAlign for 2018!

TALogoSmallThe past couple of years work and experience have culminated in some big changes at TalentAlign and new and innovative ways to help you to create an IT workplace where passion and purpose come together.

For the past 2 years we have had the privilege of working on some very large projects at a few large institutions where we were responsible for the design of the IT organization and the capabilities and jobs within the structure as well as Workforce and Succession Planning, Performance Management, preparing for the Digital Age, and IT Governance.

So, armed with this valuable experience, we are ready to work with you to address the new “talent” challenges facing organizations in 2018.

Some of the big changes that we have made as a result are:

  1. Firstly, we found a need to set up ITJobCompiler™ on its own website. So all IT job and competency information is now available on  Please take a look and let us know what you think.
  2. Then we found it more useful to have all the information that we provide and have provided over the past 12 years contained in knowledge bases rather than scattered around the site. We have set up a Knowledge Base on ITJobCompiler™ to do with IT jobs and competency management, and on TalentAlign to do with Performance Management, Workforce and Succession Planning, Career and Competency Management, and Bridging the Gap between IT and HR – which is again an issue as we move towards the era of digitalization.
  3. With the world of business “speeding up” with Agile, there is always the danger that IT Governance may become slack. So we now provide expertise in the area of “Maintaining control in an Agile World”.
  4. Running off of TalentAlign, we have a number of “programs” on:
    1. Performance Management
    2. Workforce and Succession Planning,
    3. Career and Competency Management, and
    4. Bridging the Gap between IT and HR.

The difference with these and our other programs is our methodology which is:

  • facilitative rather than directive,
  • work on your actual business situation rather than just academic knowledge, and
  • follow a process that ensures that you achieve the desired outcome and return on the investment rather than just “shelfware”.

As you can see, we have been really busy looking for new and innovative ways to help you to create an IT workplace where passion and purpose come together and that releases the power of your IT talent.  We look forward to working with you in 2018.