Self-powered Careerist? Is this another new fancy term to which we now need to become accustomed? Yes – if you are looking for selecting top performers for your organisation!
Are you looking for people who:
- Take responsibility,
- Have learning agility,
- Are explorative and innovative,
- Are “big picture” minded, and
- Enjoy taking on new challenges?
Then you are looking for Self-powered Careerists. People who understand the changes that are affecting every facet of the organisations, and understand what they need to do maximise the opportunities of the changes – and do it!
So, what then is a “self-powered careerist”? Research undertaken by Career Systems Inc has identified 5 critical attitudes typically found in Self-powered Careerists. These are:
- They step up and take responsibility for what they want and what is needed and don’t blame the “system” for what goes wrong.
- They are “talent rich” – they have a potpourri of skills and abilities and know instinctively of new talents necessary and go about developing them.
- They are inquisitive, they ask questions, and they understand the learning needed to power both themselves and the organisation.
- They don’t see just their aspect of the organisation. They see the “bigger picture” and understand it and know their contribution.
- They put up their hand when challenging situations arise and are not afraid to take a calculated risk.
But there’s a quid pro quo. Self-powered Careerists need an environment that allows them to be “self-powered”. They need an environment that:
- Has a clearly defined career lattice throughout the organization with no limitations or restrictions,
- Facilitates career conversations and enables people to achieve their goals through achieving organizational goals,
- Allows people to work in areas that taps into their passion, strengths and personal goals,
- Enables people to build a “personal brand” and market that brand as an asset to the organization,
- Creates career opportunities that makes peoples work and lives in the organization a truly win-win situation, and
- Provides the necessary work environment and tools that enable people to perform at their best.
It is up to managers to create this environment and this in turn would ensure:
- Improved productivity,
- A more innovative organization,
- A more engaged workforce, and
- Better retention of critical skills.
That sounds like a “win-win” to us. How about you?
If you would like to create a career lattice for your organization or know more about creating an “engaged” workforce, call us.