Richard Branson famously once said “If you look after your staff, they will look after your customers. It’s that simple. …
I was privileged to share the stage with some incredible speakers at a recent DisruptHR event in Johannesburg where I…
Agile transformations, that is organisations that have been “Waterfall” and are now “Going Agile”, are not being as successful as…
Referring back to the table that we put together based on the article “From Job-based to Competency-based Organization” by Edward…
Connecting everything: A conversation with Cisco’s Padmasree WarriorCisco’s chief technology and strategy officer describes how the exponential growth of connectivity…
Five technologies that should be top of HRs agenda. Imagine a world with easy access to critical information at breakneck…
The direction of jobs, and jobless growth is creating problems for Workforce Planning. BUT … is this real, or is…
I have spent the past while researching, Googling really, the 2013 top CIO priorities. I thought that, by doing that,…
Why is it important for us to understand what different terms mean? Well, most importantly, so that we understand each…
Workforce Planning and Workforce Analytics Workshops This is the Workforce Analytics Workshop and the Workforce Planning Workshop combined. Don’t miss…