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“Future-Proof” your IT Human Capital to Win the War for Digital Talent!

“Talent wars will decide who wins and who loses in the next decade.”  This is the opinion of Sunil Musti of DXC Technology[1].  If this is going to be true, how “future-proofed” is your IT Human Capital Strategy?  How ready are you for the “war” for Digital Talent?

According to the report “Are businesses really digitally transforming or living in digital denial? – A Report on the State of Digital Business[2]”:

  • 62% say their organization is in denial about the need to transform digitally
  • 55% say they have a year or less to make digital inroads before suffering financially and competitively
  • 59% are worried its already too late.

To make matters worse, according to the “2018 The War for Digital Talent” blog:

  • Over two-thirds of the demand for IT jobs today comes from non-tech industries such as healthcare, manufacturing and banking.
  • According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, by 2020 there will be one million more IT jobs than computer science students in the U.S.
  • The agency also indicates that 1.3 million IT and cyber security jobs will need to be filled by 2022.

Where does your organization fit into this spectrum?  And how can you “future-proof” your IT Human Capital to ensure that you are in a position to win this “war” for digital talent?

This talent is not going to come from the education and training institutions.  It has to be developed inhouse, and to achieve that you need well-articulated Career Pathing with well-defined job and competency requirements.  And, in the IT industry, the knowledge, experience and services available from TalentAlign and ITJobCompiler™ are unparalled.


[2] “Are businesses really digitally transforming or living in digital denial? – A Report on the State of Digital Business” 2016 Progress Software Corporation