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Employee Engagement – First Step to Becoming an IT Leading Employer

IT organisation’s today are about “people” – not just technology, so Employee Engagement is a key strategy.  No matter the technology, the organisation needs good people, good talent, to get the most return on investment in the technology.  And attracting, building and retaining the best talent is what line management at IT Leading Employers do – all the time.  To an IT Leading Employer – Employee Engagement is part of their Human Capital Strategy.

In a recent survey of global corporate leaders by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, 82 percent of senior executives said that talent is the key asset to their organizations.  These leaders said they saw a direct impact on customer satisfaction, and thus on the bottom line, when employees were highly engaged.  And respondents said that a new generation of employees, as well as customers, has new expectations of organizations and their leaders, placing a high value on shared values and good corporate citizenship.  According to the survey, the top criteria for being an Employer of Choice (or an IT Leading Employer) are:

Building trust and empowerment in teams and across the organization 45%
Communicating with honesty and fairness 36%
Passionate and engaging leaders 36%
Providing clear career paths with opportunities for advancement 34%
Possessing a clear vision of corporate goals and mission 33%
Providing strong training and development programs 32%
Providing flexible work conditions and good work-life balance 30%

Three ways that you can put your organisation on the path to being recognised as an IT Leading Employer are:

  1. Enter the 2015 IITPSA/TalentAlign IT Leading Employer,
  2. Implement the IITPSA ICT Career and Competency Framework with TalentAlign, and
  3. Become an Enterprise member of IITPSA.

Employee turnover costs organisations billions of Rand each year as does lost productivity as a consequence of employee turnover.  More than half of this turnover is not necessary and is controllable or can be mitigated.  Employee Engagement is a clear lead indicator as to where there are issues and therefore an increased probability of turnover.

If you would like to set your organisation on the path to becoming an IT Leading Employer, or at least learn more about how effective Career Pathing can help Employee Engagement, please contact us.