How do you know if your workplace has a good or bad work environment. Well, below are the 10 sign that Baseline suggest indicate a bad place to work. See if any touch a chord with you.
- Managers spend all day in planning meetings, but no one makes a decision about anything
- Much energy is spent getting new customers, but no-one understands how to keep them.
- Every manager has a completely different idea about company strategies – and each one demands that you pursue his.
- Your organisation prides itself on rewarding seniority rather than merit.
- A-list talents prove themselves and then routinely bolt to the competition.
- Your office is so lifeless and sterile that you can hear colleagues cough from across the floor.
- The company embraces rote processes because “that’s the way we’ve always done it”
- No one in the building actually uses the stuff you sell
- Your boss always seems angry about something, but won’t ever tell anyone why
- You spend off-duty hours worrying about work; you spend working hours hoping the day ends soon
If this sounds too familiar, perhaps you should consider doing the TalentAlign Employee Engagement survey ( and find out what is really ailing in your workplace – and the reason behind it.