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What is OKR? A goal-setting framework for thinking big | CIO

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Yes – we have been writing a lot about the OKR Framework recently.  That is because it is one of the most effective methods of: ensuring strategies are implemented; change and transformation programs achieve their intended outcomes; and it provides a direct link between individual and organisational performance.

This article, published in 2018, provides good insight into what the OKR Framework is about, and some key criteria for implementing successfully.

If you would like to know more about the OKR Framework, please have a look at our website , and our Knowledge Base where you will find a lot of useful information on the application of the OKR Framework in different situations.

We are your OKR Coach to help you achieve results fasteer by training you on the OKR Framework, how to write effective OKRs, and how to run the OKR cycles in your organisation.  And we stay by your side until you feel comfortable in “going it alone”.

If you would like more information, or if you would like us to give your team a presentation on the OKR Framework, please complete the form below and we will be in touch directly.

Source: What is OKR? A goal-setting framework for thinking big | CIO

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