Working with a StrategicHRCoach will fast track your journey into creating more time, income and having a better performing team. You’ll invest a minimum of 12 months working with your coach who will:
- keep you focussed,
- hold you accountable,
- brainstorm ideas,
- develop your skills,
- motivate you,
- praise you, and
- provide an independent look at your results.
One-on-one coaching is our most popular programme, and the one that yields the best results. However, with StrategicHRCoach, sometimes it works best to include the whole team – at least in some of the development sessions.
We start with an alignment consultation, which is a 2-3 hour meeting where we learn as much as possible about you and your personal goals, your business, your business objectives, your challenges, your sales, your marketing, and so much more… The aim is to determine the answer to the questions:
- WHAT is the principle object that you would like to achieve?
- WHY is this needed right now?
- WHEN does it need to be up and running?
- WHERE are we now relative to the goal?
- WHO else needs to be involved?
- HOW we can work with you to achieve your objective?
Your business should be an “enabler” for you to achieve your personal goals and dreams, and you should be the driver for the organisation to achieve its strategy. Once we know what these personal goals and dreams are, and understand what your business goals are, we ensure that your business goals are aligned to your personal dreams.
Everything is done with 3 goals in mind
- First, to know exactly where your business is now.
- Second, to clarify your business and personal goals.
- Third, to get the crucial pieces of information needed to create a plan for your business
This step-by-step plan is then implemented over a period of about 12 months, and you’ll work through it, and work ON your business between coaching sessions. The coaching sessions provide the opportunity to review the activity of the previous weeks, discuss wins and progress and determine next steps for the weeks ahead. As your coach, we are also a sympathetic ear, and a sounding board, and the sessions are also used to discuss solutions for challenges in your business. We will hold up a mirror and help you see the wood for the trees with our independent and objective third party view of your business. It’s our job to keep you positive, forward-looking and to ensure that you are taking ownership and being held accountable.
Don’t wait – start on your road to creating your Human Capital Strategy.
Make a free appointment NOW and we’ll help you get started.
Click here if you would like to see the training programs that are included in our StrategicHRCoach program – if and when necessary.
Click here if you would like to know more about the Assessments that we use in our StrategicHRCoach program – if and when necessary.