As a Manager or HR professional …
Is Agile IT and Agile Business driving you crazy?

CORE™ Agile People Management framework – Agile People Transformation
Whether you’re a Line Manager, HR Professional or HR Business Partner, you will want to understand how people strategy and people operations need to change when working through an Agile transformation.
- How does organisation structure change?
- What about traditional jobs – these seem to be changing fairly radically right now.
- How does this impact other Talent Management practices?
Our facilitators are knowledgeable Agile People Management experts with in-depth practical knowledge and experience in Business and People Management.

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Our CORE™ Agile People Management program is a 16-week training program designed specifically for online learning, coaching and practical application of knowledge between the sessions.
Learn while Doing, Do while Learning! – It’s the Agile Way

Introduction to Agile People Management

In this lesson we introduce all the topics that will be covered in the CORE™ Agile People Management (CORE™ APM) training program. We provide an outline of the topics and what will be covered in the relevant lessons.
Please enjoy this lesson on us and, if you enjoy it, and realise that this course can skyrocket your ability to facilitate and support Agile People transformation in your organisation, then please click the button below and join the program. We look forward to seeing you there.[/text_block]

CORE™ Agile People Management (CORE™ APM) – Program Details

Lesson 2: The Metrics of Agile People Management
Understand and Use Metrics to Measure Agile People Management Success
Lesson 3: Enabling an Agile Mindset in the Enterprise
Provide a Balance between Culture and Structure
Support Transformation from a Mindset Perspective
Create a Safe Work Environment
Lesson 4: Engage Intrinsic Motivation
Understand a Culture Driven by Intrinsic Motivation
Uncover Motivators and Demotivators
Nurture an Environment of Self-Motivation
Lesson 5: Create a Learning Culture / Learning Organisation
Understand Growth Mindset as an Enabler of Learning Cultures
Learner-Centred and Learner-Driven
Make Time to Learn
Lesson 6: Apply Agile Practices to Operations and Initiatives
Enable Agility throughout the Organization
Coaching the People Aspects of the Organization
Apply Agile Mindset and Practices to HR Initiatives and Operations
Lesson 7: Design for the New Way of Working
Understand Current Structures and their Impact
Design Teams and Teams of Teams
Align and Optimise for Flow of Value
Support Development of Agile Leaders
Lesson 8: Understand Roles in the New Way of Working
Redefine Roles and Expectations
Enable Skill Development and Growth
Embed Agile/Lean Mindset and Core Values within Role Definition
Lesson 9: Develop Agile Leaders
Enable Consisitent Innovation
Maintain a Calm Demeanour
Take Calculated Risks
Welcome Criticism as a Source for Development
Vew Feedback as a Resource
Empower Agile Teams
Demonstrate the Core Characteristics of Agile Leadership[/text_block]

Lesson 10: Manage Careers in the New Way of Working
Understand the Shortcomings of Traditional Career Paths
Understand modern Value-Based Journey Maps (Career Mosaic)
Lesson 11: Understand different Learning Modalities
Understand Industry, Peer and Team-Based Learning
Understand Adaptive Learning
Lesson 12: Understand Recruiting for the New Way of Working
Understand Innovative Sourcing
Understand the Power of the Practical Interview
Understand the important of Candidate Experience
Lesson 13: Understand Onboarding – the Welcome Experience
Understand Onboarding as the Second Impression
Create a Culture for Day 1
Enabling the New Recruit
Lesson 14: Performance Management for the New Way of Working
Learn Fast and Tolerate Failure
Understand Individual Performance Support
Understand Team Goals and Performance Support
Understand System-Oriented Performance Assessment
Enable Continuous Feedback
Understand Ownership-Driven Culture
Lesson 15: Understand Remuneration and Non-Financial Incentives for the New Way of Working
Understand Flexible Incentives
Understand Alternative Methods of Grouping/Categorization as a Step Towards Doing Away with Ranking Systems
Fair and Meaningful Pay[/text_block]

16 x 60+ minute online training sessions (that is 16 hours of training)
PLUS: Weekly review of progress on your recommendation report
PLUS: 4 x online Coaching sessions of 60 minutes each (that’s 4 Hours Coaching)
PLUS: Email queries and responses
PLUS: Your completed Agile People Management Transformation Plan – ready to go![/text_block]

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Rocket your Agile People Management Career