About TalentAlign OD KnowledgeBase
OKR Framework
- OKR: A Framework for Successful Digitalization and Change
- The CHRO and the OKR Framework
- Scaling to Success: How the OKR Framework Drives Hyper-Growth
- Why the OKR Framework Should be on Every Investor's Radar!
- A Safe Bet: Why Investors Should Consider Companies that Use the OKR Framework
- Beat the Odds: Don’t Just Survive, use the OKR Framework to Thrive in a Recession!
- Surviving the Storm: How the OKR Framework Helps Your Business Thrive in a Recession!
- Unblocking Success: How the OKR Framework Drives Major Organizational Change!
- Driving Results: Unleash the Power of the OKR Framework for Organizational Performance
- The Five +1 “Superpowers” of the OKR Framework
- Successful Change Execution with the OKR Framework
Strategy Execution
- Execution Excellence – the sinister 70%!
- Why the OKR Framework Should be on Every Investor's Radar!
- A Safe Bet: Why Investors Should Consider Companies that Use the OKR Framework
- Beat the Odds: Don’t Just Survive, use the OKR Framework to Thrive in a Recession!
- Surviving the Storm: How the OKR Framework Helps Your Business Thrive in a Recession!
- Unblocking Success: How the OKR Framework Drives Major Organizational Change!
- From Strategy to Execution – a Simple Route Map
- Articles coming soon
Organisational Development & Effectiveness (OD)
- Driving Results: Unleash the Power of the OKR Framework for Organizational Performance
- Organisational Effectiveness – Why Talent Management?
- Why Roles are More Important than Jobs in Agile/Lean Workplaces
- Competency Management - Competency Matrix
- IT Competency Framework and IT Skills Matrix
- Competency Management - Use Competencies to Manage Better
- Competency Management - What are Competencies?
- Competency Management - Build Competencies to Improve Performance
- Why Roles are More Important than Jobs in Agile/Lean Workplaces
- IT Job Descriptions – Why IT Role (Job) Descriptions?
- Information Technology Job Descriptions
- IT Job Descriptions - The “Role” of the “Job Description”
- IT Job Descriptions - Their Role and Purpose
- IT Job Descriptions - What’s in a Name?
- Articles coming soon
Agile Talent Management
- Talent Management – 8 Steps to Maximise Investment with Talent Management
- What is Human Capital Management?
- Human Capital Management - Our Dysfunctional Workplace
- Human Capital Management - IT Human Capital Management
- Human Capital Management - New Generation IT Talent Management
- Human Capital Management - The Paper Trail of Strategic Human Capital Management
- Articles coming soon
How Agile is your Organisation … Really?

TalentAlign OD partnered with the ODTI (Organisation Development Tools Institute) to present this topic at the Agile20Reflect Festival. This presentation is not about the adoption of Agile in organisations, but rather about the change capability (or agility) level of the organisation. This is about how ready the organisation is to absorb the kind of changes needed to adapt to the changes in the world and environment around us today.
Many organisations have embarked, or are embarking, on one of the 6 major “transformations” impacting business today:
- Agile Transformation (Agile Business)
- Business Model Transformation
- Digital Transformation
- Remote Worker Transformation
- Leadership Transformation
- HR Transformation
How ready is your organisation to go through this process? Where could the “bottlenecks” to progress be? What could cause the transformation to fail?
Watch this video to understand more about how to answer these questions.