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Career Planning

IT Career Planning and Workforce Development

There are two paradigms that have been shattered forever – the “job-for-life” paradigm, and the “length-of-service” or “loyalty-to-employer” paradigm.  The job marketplace today is filled with insecurity and uncertainty – both on the part of the employer and the employee.

But what is developing in their place?  There is no single answer to this question.  Certainly all of the topics covered on the website are included.  The area to be explored under Career Management is the process of understanding and managing IT careers – from both an organizational and an individual perspective.

Career Management includes:

  • Career Management Strategy – from both an organizational and individual
  • Career Paths – within and outside of IT,
  • Development processes – what constitutes a “learning” process, and
  • How to manage the process.

Below are summaries of articles.  To read the article in full, click on the relevant link.  To return, click “back” on your Internet Browser.

What do Your IT Employees REALLY want?
Do you REALLY know what your employees want?  Do they?  Just how engaged are your employees – by engaged we mean do they really feel a part of the organization?  These questions are simple enough, but much more difficult to answer.  But the answers have a major impact on the organization and it’s ability to deliver the action plans necessary to achieve goals and strategy.
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