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How a CIO took on the challenge most CIOs are facing today.

Amir Arooni – CIO, Discover Financial Services

Although the article I’m sharing will be of special interest to CIOs facing this challenge, it will also be of interest to other CxOs in the organisation because the operation that he put in place extends beyond just IT.

The article, “Discover CIO Amir Arooni on shifting to product-based IT delivery” shares with us how CIO Amir Arooni’s Runway initiative, is addressing this challenge and helping the organisation stay ahead on the technology and innovation front by shifting from a project-based mindset to a product-driven structure rooted in the agile way of working. But the Runway initiative is way more than just a restructure as you will see in the five work streams that make up the initiative. These are:

  • Reliability
  • Extreme Automation
  • Engineering Workforce
  • Shifting the Operating Model
  • Employee Experience.

For those who are contemplating these kinds of challenges, can I please take this opportunity to remind you of the services that we offer in this area:

  • IT Organisation Design – we have over 16 years experience including the new, flexible structures
  • Roles and Competencies – we have a database of over 500 roles and over 1000 competencies relevant to IT and Digital that we have been developing and maintaining since 2006
  • Change Facilitation – we have a process based on Lean Change Management to help facilitate change in the organisation, extending from IT out into the organisation.

We know that, working with you, we can craft your “Runway” initiative for your organisation and take it from strategy to successful execution.

Please email me if you would like to find out more. Or, have a look at our website –

Gail Sturgess
Agile OD Facilitator / Coach / Consultant