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Future Fit Lean Coffee – 21 April 2022

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  •  April 21, 2022
     2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

The New Ways of Working are new to all of us.  There are no blueprints, no “best practices”.  We are all learning while doing, and doing while learning.  So, what better way of learning than discussing with people on a similar journey.  What have they tried?  How did it work?  What were the stumbling blocks?  These are all questions that we would love to know and this is the forum for these discussions.

The kind of discussions that you can look forward to are:

  • What are the critical workplace trends?
  • How can we discern the capabilities we believe will be most essential for business leaders to grow and thrive?
  • How can we help organisations design future-focused talent systems and practices?
  • What are the fundamental building blocks for Future Fit organisations?
  • How can we manage the paradox of organisations that must simultaneously operate at the core (business of today) and the edge (business of tomorrow)?
  • How do we help our people to unlearn and relearn the skills necessary for the future?
  • What are the skills for a Future Fit organisation?
  • How does the speculative model of a Future Fit organisation map to your thoughts and your organisation?
  • How do we manage the converging forces of Business, People and Technology for a Future Fit organisation?

With such accelerated and unprecedented changes, no one can confidently predict the reconfigured work environments and talent practices most suited to the future of work.  But clearly, we cannot wait for clarity to emerge.  We have to start thinking and talking about these things now.

It’s free, it’s virtual, it’s just one hour.  What could possibly be more important that learning what it may take to make your organisation Future Fit – capable of growing and thriving in the New Way’s of Working.


Venue Website:


This is a virtual location using Google Meet.

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